Step into the


We're redefining the outdoors as a social, collective experience for all women+.


We believe that experiencing our own potential is best done through the exhilaration of a new trail, fresh powder, or the next wave. We know that experiencing it together is even better. 

ILLA® is a catalyst for connection and camaraderie. It’s a safe space where no matter your skill level or experience, you’re both welcomed and celebrated. 

We’re building bonds between like-minded, well-adventured women+, online and IRL. ILLA is a lifestyle, a perspective shift, and a mode of connection with belonging at the heart of what we do. 

Our mission

To make adventure sports accessible to women+ by creating supportive, curated experiences that help them progress from curious to confident.

ILLA® is a woman-focused community that welcomes all femmes, including cis women, trans women, and non-binary or genderfluid individuals whose gender identity includes woman or femme some or all of the time. “Women+" is the term we use to encompass this inclusive definition. Our commitment to inclusivity extends to folks of color, of all sizes, of all orientations, of all ages over 18, of all abilities, including those with disabilities, and those who prefer gender-neutral terms.

Our values

Build bridges.

Be a serial invite extender.

The world of women in adventure sports can feel vast and tiny at the same time. Our members are helping us make connections between adventure seekers around the world, community leaders, and brands that seek to elevate women+ in the industry.

Be an illavert.

A new kind of belonging.


Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert, you can fit in with ILLA. Our members choose their own adventure, and decide which activities to join in on, and relationships to engage with. All are welcome to find their ILLA

Inspire 8-year-old you.

Shine bright to let future generations see the light. 

ILLA enhances where and how women+ are represented in the outdoors. Our members contribute by bringing their most kind, inclusive, and knowledgeable selves to every meet-up. Our welcoming nature connects with our passion for mentorship to support every step of adventure seekers in our path. 

Our Story

Our founder, Tana, spent nearly 20 years in the outdoor industry and consistently encountered the challenge of connecting with like-minded women who shared her love for the same sports.

Among friends, she regularly introduced women in her network looking for adventure buddies. So when the opportunity arose to pitch VF Corporation (parent company of VANS, The North Face & Smartwool) with a new business idea in a competition, she went all-in on the concept for an app that would help the women's outdoor community connect, communicate, and thrive.

She won.

She named it ILLA®—a playful nod to the outdoor industry's bro-culture with a feminine touch. Like Tana, ILLA serves as the super-connected friend who’s always making connections among like-minded friends in her network.

ILLA has since evolved from a social connection app to a premium experience platform making adventure sports accessible to women+ by creating supportive, curated experiences that help them progress from curious to confident.

Looking to expand your adventure network, make new friends, and find a group of women+ who share your love for the outdoors? Let ILLA introduce you to your new adventure crew. Join us for an adventure near you!