Building Community Through Mountain Biking

Brittany Greer and Brooke Goudy are friends of ILLA and pro mountain bikers. How do they find commonality and support through their shared love of mountain biking? By being integral parts of the community.

These women are on a mission to introduce and inspire women of all colors and backgrounds to get out and after it. Much like, we at ILLA aim to do. 

The Denver-based duo recently hit the road in Colorado to bike, camp, and grow their relationship as friends, bike partners, and advocates. Along the way, they learned more about each other and how important community is. 

Watch the women in action in the video and read more about what community in Mountain Biking means to them. 

Finding Community

"When I first started mountain biking, there weren't very many people that looked like me in the sport," admitted Brooke. "So when I got the opportunity to join a mountain biking organization with other women of color, it finally made me feel like I was part of a community." 

Brooke said that once she felt her place in mountain biking, she could share her passion with others.

"Representation is so important because if you're doing something that you love, but you look around and don't see anyone else that looks like you, you might start to think that that thing isn't for you. So it's become my mission to create a safe, inclusive space where women of color can feel comfortable. So they can see a black woman on a bike or a black woman coaching and think, 'Yes, I can do that too,'" Brooke revealed. 

Brittany is acutely aware of the misrepresentation of women, especially women of color, and seeks to continue her efforts to spearhead change. 

"It's important that the mountain biking community, and the outdoor community as a whole, be representative of our broader communities," Brittany said.  

She further explained her goals through her love of pedaling and creating purpose.

"Being outside and doing something like mountain biking offers so much value — to our lives, health, and happiness — and I want to share that with as many women and women of color as possible," Britt says.


Where are all the Women?